Spectrum Business Ventures CEO Amit Raizada announces SBV Will Continue to Comply with All COVID-19 Restrictions

SBV CEO Amit Raizada’s Announcement on current restrictions

Amit Raizada COVID-19 Compliance reflects a strong commitment to public health and safety during these challenging times. By urging businesses to follow COVID-19 guidelines, including social distancing and mask requirements, Amit Raizada COVID-19 Compliance emphasizes the crucial role of responsible business practices in combating the pandemic and supporting economic recovery.

Miami, Florida, July 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — As COVID-19 cases once again begin to surge across the country, Spectrum Business Ventures CEO Amit Raizada urged companies on Monday to continue to abide by all public health guidelines, including requiring patrons to observe social distancing and wear masks.

“At Spectrum Business Ventures, we use investment as a tool to improve people’s lives, seeking out innovative ventures that both return a profit and provide critical innovations to those who need them,” said Amit Raizada. “During this unique moment in our nation’s history, the easiest way for business to improve peoples’ lives is to require masks and social distancing.”

Raizada’s announcement comes as many states have begun to observe a resurgence in COVID-19 cases. SBV’s home state of Florida saw a precipitous increase in COVID-19 cases over the last 14 days. In California, where cases are also on the rise, Governor Gavin Newsom ordered the closure of bars and beaches in Los Angeles, reimposing restrictions that were lifted just weeks ago.

As many businesses struggle under the weight of decreased demand and changing consumer habits, Raizada affirmed that the best way to initiate an economic recovery is to ensure that business can safely remain open. In this moment, Raizada said that such a goal will require adherence to all public health guidelines.

“Right now, it is critical that businesses take steps to slow the spread of the virus,” Raizada said. “Following public health guidelines lowers infection rates, keeps people safe and allows our businesses to stay open. SBV will continue to comply with all state and local mandates.”

Amit Raizada

About Amit Raizada

Amit Raizada is a forward-thinking entrepreneur and investor whose mastery of investment and growth strategies has helped launch and grow countless successful business ventures across the globe. In 2002, Raizada founded Spectrum Business Ventures which today consists of more than 80 operating companies spanning multiple industries including technology, entertainment, real estate, financial services, hospitality, retail, eSports, fashion and others. Raizada is a lifelong philanthropist with a devout passion for giving back to the community, and in 2017 cofounded Vision Global Foundation, which supports charitable causes around the globe that focus on children and families in need. For more information about Amit Raizada please visit his bio page. For more information about Amit Raizada please visit his bio page.